Dear Jo,

Jo has been a patient, employee of Te Tari Pureke, The New Zealand Firearms Registry and unfortunately, I’m going to have to tell her to jog on. Why?  Well, I as a law-abiding citizen have been morally and legally wronged. I have three excellent reasons as to why The Firearms Registry (TFR) should be axed. …

Folic acid; New Zealand Food Regulators are Failing Kiwi’s

Folate or Vitamin B9 is one of the 13 essential vitamins that we need to survive. Folate is critical to methylation. An essential part of many biochemical mechanisms that happen within the body (Zheng & Cantley, 2018). Methylation is crucially responsible for cell function including gametogenesis and continued embryo development. (Menezo et al., 2022) Most …